Yes, I have neglected my poor blog. But I'm resolving to try to be better...we'll see how that goes haha.
It's starting to get chillier and it's finally sinking in that the care-free days of summer are at an end. Summertime is basically my favorite thing ever. I was spoiled this summer to not have to work as much. I got a lot of time to relax and play! Our last little trip of the summer was to Bear Lake with my family. Matt and I got to go up to the lake a few times this summer- we love it there!
My sister (Brittney), brother (Brandon), Mom, Matt and Me in the lakeConnor and Brit working on their Sand Castle Kingdom We've also had fun hanging out with good friends...
And moving!
Yes, we moved, but it was only about 15 minutes away from where we lived before. Just upsizing :) Loving the 2 bedrooms, laundry room, dishwasher, and no crappy electrical problems! I was also ready for a nice little change. In all of the moving hullabaloo, I failed to really take any big pictures. (Shocker. I really need to be better at picture taking.) I'll post some better pictures later.
Well now that summer vacation is officially over, I have been busy with work again! I'm teaching part-time at a high school and also interpreting part time. It's fun doing both because I can get a lot of variety. It definitely keeps me busy, but I'm liking it :)
Matt is starting his first semester of the electrical engineering program at BYU and has quickly found out that this will be a challenging and busy school year for him! But he's a smarty-pants and will do so great. He's excited to be in the program and learn all kinds of cool stuff. (He gets excited about it and tries to explain it all to me. I'm no electrical engineer, nor do I wish to be, so I've got the "smile and nod" down. Never understand a word of it!
Yay for the start of a new school year! It's gonna be a busy and good one!